Thursday, April 29, 2010


So the renovation in the kitchen has been going remarkably well. Perhaps that's because all I've done so far is prime and paint. :) Bryan is currently in search of the flooring, so we can repair a section in the breakfast nook. Thus far the only place we've successfully found it is in Arizona, and they think it's humorous to charge nearly $170 for shipping. BARF. We've chosen lighting fixtures that we'll be updating but haven't chosen a new faucet yet. We're also still playing with the idea of replacing the dishwasher... just so things will look cohesive, but we're not completely sold on that idea.

On to my bump. Sooooooo I've basically spent the last two weeks priming/painting one wall a day in our breakfast nook and kitchen. Today's wall was the one over the kitchen sink... note the above picture. Nice color huh? So anyway... I've been doing the first coats on the walls while the girls are down for their afternoon nap, and then the second coat comes when they go down for the night. The coat at lunch time went up without a hitch... or so I thought. It was difficult to reach the portion of the wall above the cabinets, so I stood on the countertop. Fast forward to 630 this evening when I was removing my soup from the stove only to hear a dripping sound. I opened the cabinets below the sink to find this:

EGADS! That perpendicular pipe is supposed to be STRAIGHT... not all jacked up like ours currently is. Apparently you're not supposed to stand very close to the sink for an extended period of time. Needless to say there was water and garbage disposalled food all over everything that was underneath the sink. A grand time was had by all.

Now as I type this, Bryan is returning home from Abingdon A DAY EARLY because his wife is a moron. Thank you and good night.

On a lighter note... I can't wait to show you what everything looks like completed. While I miss my rusty red color, this nice calming khaki brings a sense of freshness. It's so much airier in there. I can't wait to have the windows open once it's warmer outside! SIGH.

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