Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We're heeeeeeeeeeeeere!

Well we're officially in the rental!  We spent the last two weeks moving in... slowly.  Thanks to all the parents for helping big time on the weekends!  We do still have some things at the old house hanging out in the garage... but not much.  I'll give you a small tour of the new place as we finish unpacking each room.  All the rooms are pretty sparse, as we don't plan on really decorating due to not being here long.  

Here is a shot of the living room.  We're in a split foyer, so it's a pretty open concept upstairs when it comes to the living/dining areas.  The bedrooms are pretty tiny, so that's our armoire and nightstand from our bedroom set.
 Now that chandelier is TOTALLY NOT our style, but seriously... how cute would that look all painted up in a little girl's bedroom?!  Hmmmm... perhaps I can make a deal with the owners. :)
 Our room.  Berkley's little bed BARELY fits between our bed and the dresser, but it works.

 This is Berkley's room.  She actually has the biggest room... ironic I know.  To be honest, our furniture and the girls' bunk bed just fit better in the other rooms due to window placement.  I didn't want Reese and Emma Grace falling out of windows... can you imagine?  Oy.  We're also not too worried about window treatments in here yet.  She's not sleeping in here right now, and we're not too excited about spending money on window treatments, when we'll be leaving.  Trying to save the funds for the new house.

 Here is Reese and EG's room.  By far the smallest, but all of their toys are in the basement... which is not photograph-able at this point. :)
 Hopefully we'll get to start taking pictures of the progress at the property soon... should be breaking ground by the end of the month!

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