Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dining room...

So, if you remember, this is our dining room furniture... furniture that used to be oak stained.  It was lovely, but it needed a pick me up.  I wish we had taken the time to really learn how to paint wood furniture before attempting it.  Yes, Bryan, you were PROBABLY right. :)  But what's done is done.  Something needs to be done to the top of the table though because it's still so tacky... drives me nuts.  I'm thinking I may have to just suck it up and spray paint the top. :-/  (It is VERY bizarre for me to look at pictures of the old house!  It seems like forever ago that that was ours.  I all of the sudden miss it. :(  Bigger and better things Rachel... bigger and better things.)
This is pretty close to the wall color I think we want throughout the house.  I wanted a neutral that wasn't 50 shades of beige/khaki but one that would flow throughout as it's $250 per color change... SERIOUSLY?!  It's going to be a while until I'll have time to get a roller in my hand, so our color has to be able to flow.  I'd like to also do some wainscoting in the dining room... doesn't have to be as fancy as the one below... although that style is beautiful.
 Also, would it be totally crazy to do this to the bottom of our table???  Bryan may die a slow death just yet. :)

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